馬上多 5 分!避開托福口說的 3 大低分誤區
究竟托福口說該怎麼正確取材和回答呢?一個口說卡關的同學來找我諮詢,雖然他之前補過習、準備了半年去考了兩次,但口說分數就是不理想,也沒有持續練習的方向。今天就要和你分享,我讓他口說成績在 10 天內進步了 5 分的 3 大秘技!
以下用 Task 3 的考古題:教授對 Emotional Intelligence 的說明為例,先不岔題解釋這個名詞,請看教授開頭的幾句話,想想是否每句話都一樣重要,都該在回答時說呢?
So here’s an example. My daughter had a friend over to our house recently and they decided to watch a movie together. They got into an argument because they couldn’t agree on what movie to watch. My daughter started to get quite upset during the argument, which wasn’t like her at all.
整合題顧名思義必須「整理重點」,尤其是題目中給的聽力、閱讀素材,長度會是你在 1 分鐘時限內能說的 2~3 倍。
➤ 秘技一:「分辨結構」濃縮背景
釐清訊息的結構再行動,才能更精準回答。判斷前幾句話 “So here’s an example… agree on what movie to watch” 為冗長的背景資訊,和主題 Emotional Intelligence 的關聯性較小,可以簡單記幾個關鍵字就好:daughter, friend, movie, argue, upset。
誤區二:狂飆 SVO 簡單句
當筆記過多又想全塞進回答裡,你就會狂用簡單的句子:“The professor gives an example. His daughter once had her friend come to their home. They decided to watch a movie. However, they could not agree on what movie to watch…”
問題是一直用 SVO 短句,就像外國人講中文只會說:「我是美國人。我愛唱歌。我會跳舞。」若使用如此簡單重複的句型,顯然語言掌握度不足。
➤ 秘技二:使用長句 & 多變句構
善用 which, about 等經典元素回答,練習把國高中學過的連接詞、分詞構句用出來,就能說出豐富的高分長句子:
- For instance, the professor’s daughter once argued with a friend about a movie choice, which left her unusually agitated.
你會不會直覺聽到什麼答什麼,說了:“decided to watch a movie, couldn’t agree, argument…” 雖然沒有說錯,但照抄和題目幾乎相同的字句,會讓考官無法確定你是真正理解、還是只在「抄」,誤入了低分陷阱。
➤ 秘技三:變換用字,展現字彙量
- argument >> argue
- what movie to watch >> a movie choice
- upset >> agitated
- which wasn’t like her at all >> unusually
202309 / 01 期・Sep 6