我最近喜歡的 2 個英文 Podcasts 推薦給你
我最近很喜歡聽 Adam Grant 的 podcast《Rethinking》和華爾街日報的《As We Work》,而和外國人聊喜歡、聽過的英文 podcast,已經快變成了很重要的聊天「談資」。
如果你要用英文談百靈果、人生實用商學院、股癌時,你只能拼拼湊湊,圍繞在 interesting、useful,funny 跟 fun 又搞不清楚,只會講 like it、enjoy listening it、every morning I listen… 讓自己變成無聊的人,到底怎麼辦?
- Can you talk about your favorite podcast program(s) fluently in English?
- Can you talk about one of the podcasts you’ve been listening to recently?
- Can you make any podcast recommendations fluently in English?
- X always has some interesting guests.
- Sorry to say, but I fell asleep to some of them. (聽到睡著)
- If you love true crime, _______ is not to be missed.
- I love how Angela presents scientific insights in a really accessible (簡單好懂) way.
- One day I came across this podcast called XYZ, and it was an instant like. (立刻愛上)
- XYZ is really good if you’re into…
- The host offers a lot of interesting takes on XYZ.
其實直接用溝通的底層邏輯(例如:Can you understand…? Can you talk about…?)套入高頻任務(例如:Talk about podcasts),去練習、找學習資源,是我開始忙碌於工作以後最常用來學英文的方式,這樣為用而學的方式,真的非常有效。
我最新的線上課程 《Can-Do 英文溝通術》
- 整理給你針對 24 個生活和工作高頻溝通任務中最道地的語料
- 示範給你看對答方式
- 上千句的英語溝通指南,全部都是有聲版
- 教你 3 套記憶、複習的科學學習法
原文發表於:Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文
・Nov 23