
最近一位英文不差的學生來求助,他在托福一戰時回答的滔滔不絕,但卻因為缺乏「講重點」的能力,口說成績只有拿到 21 分。

這次我就來帶你看托福聽力題目,分析 3 種英文母語者常用的「重點表達法」。


  • What’s “interesting” is that during all these movements…
  • I have some “great” examples about this.

不管是以上的正面表態,或負面的 “dangerous” behavior、”harmful” consequences,表態字能有效傳遞感受、引起聽者注意。


  • Those dorm lounges are “really” central to student life.
  • The problem would “significantly” improve.

選用 really、significantly 等字來強化資訊。


  • Let’s look at “a couple of” strategies…
  • One” strategy is…
  • Another” strategy is…


綜合這三點,以托福口說 Task 1 為例,有力的高分回答會長這樣:

I think using educational games is a fantastic idea (表態字). It is mainly (程度字) because (結構化) students are passive, and playing games helps them stay motivated. For instance (結構化), students mostly (程度字) fall asleep in a regular math class. However (結構化), once a teacher adopts a game like Monopoly, students will cheerfully (表態字) listen to every (程度字) question or instruction given by the teacher to score points!


原文發表於:Kat TOEFL 凱特托福・Oct 26