托福寫作的 3 選 1 題型這樣回答,用 “among” 和 “no other” 寫出高分句型
2022.11.06 Kat Huang / 黃馨慧

在托福寫作考試審題時,如果沒有觀察到事「3 選 1」的題型而不是普遍的「2 選1」,以及題幹的 which is “the best way” 這個重要的比較資訊,就很容易寫出低分的句子。
Which one of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a city in a limited amount of time when you first visit it?
- touring historic sites
- going to markets or shops
- eating in restaurant and spending time in cafes
- First, touring historic sites allows me to learn the city’s history.
熟練使用 “among” 帶出其他選項,並用 “the most” 凸顯論點:
- To begin with, among all traveling activities, visiting historical monuments facilitates my engagement in meaningful conversations with locals the most.
熟練 “no other” 句型,達到凸顯「最佳選擇」的目的:
- To begin with, no other activity contributes to my engagement in meaningful conversations with locals more than visiting historical monuments.
下次看到托福獨立寫作有 3 選 1、甚至是 4 選1 的題目,你都可以使用 ”among“ 和 ”no other“ 句型獲得高分!
在我的 《托福》
原文發表於:Kat TOEFL 凱特托福
・Oct 10