搞懂 Connection 的用法,3 招教你寫出高分托福寫作
在整合寫作中,要說明動物行為跟遷徙沒有關係時,同學常常直接中翻英寫出:“There’s no evidence that animal intelligence connect to navigate.” 的句子。
這個句子的動詞 connect 誤用成主動;這裡抽象的關聯性也不能用 “connect to”。正確寫法應該使用 “with”,改為 “animal intelligence is not connected with navigation” 就是簡潔精準的回應。
除此之外,大家還可以透過下面 3 招,練習表達否定的關聯性,把上面的句子改寫的更簡單明瞭:
- There is no connection between animal intelligence and star navigation.
- Animal intelligence bears no relation to star navigation.
- Animal intelligence has no relationship with star navigation.
- It’s unlikely that animal intelligence will lead to star navigation.
- The cause and effect between animal intelligence and star navigation are unclear.
- The stated conclusion is false.
- The reasoning behind this argument is flawed.
相關的托福整合寫作題,正在準備托福的同學可以練習 TPO 72 和 TPO 4,從這三個角度著手,就能簡單破解似是而非的寫作論述,提出簡短有力的反駁和結論!
202208 / 02 期・Aug 24