很多台灣學生想要托福破百,但口說偏偏卡在 20 分,不知道如何有系統地加強,只能瘋狂刷題練到順。今天我想和你們分享一招,就算口說的流暢度和發音一般般,一樣可以拿高分,那就是「答題邏輯」。


Some people believe it is essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Others don’t believe music is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.

看到題目你先傻 3 秒,覺得「題目好難」、「沒想法」,連用中文回答都有困難,只能想到什麼講什麼。

學生原本的回答:“I think music can help us relax more… For example, I like classical music and I learned how to play piano when I was young. So I think music is important.”

她講得很順、發音也 OK,但這個回答卻拿不到高分!

口說要穩穩 25 分以上,最大的關鍵不是「講得多流暢」、「發音多漂亮」,而是先有正確的「回答邏輯」。



I don’t think learning to play music is important because music education is often a waste of money. For example, when I was little, my mom spent a month of her salary to pay for my piano lessons. However, I only attended one class and skipped all the rest…


在我的 《托福》 課程裡頭,除了答題邏輯外,我會帶你們用獨創的點線面系統備考、有效突破分數瓶頸,接下來計劃要考托福的同學不要錯過!

原文發表於:Kat TOEFL 凱特托福・Jul 21