我知道 life is hard,但求求大家別再錯這個英文標點用法了
有一個標點符號錯誤很奇妙,不管怎樣地「超前佈署」、不同時候講了 10000 次、給了再多例子,學生在寫的時候還是會「越錯越勇」。很大原因是因為不了解真正英文寫作寫得好的人,在寫作時要想多少事情、照顧多少事情,缺少這樣的 awareness。
很少在文章中講那麼小面向的 “what” 問題,但今天破例了。因為再錯下去祖先真的要驚醒了。
“Although / While / Even though S+V,…” 這樣的結構,就是一個從屬(副詞)子句。不管再長,接到主要子句時都是用逗號,不可以休息用句號,更不能自己發揮創意加上 however。
- *Although she studied so hard. However, she didn’t pass the exam.
- Although she studied so hard, she didn’t pass the exam.
- *Although she is interested in anything that has something to do with the development of artificial intelligence.(在這邊想休息一下,就放了句號)However, she is not attending the AI conference this time.
即便你有一個 18 行的從屬子句,請記得還是寫成:
- Although she is interested in anything that has something to do with the development of artificial intelligence, she is not attending the AI conference this time.
沒有人說過從屬子句很長的時候,就可以忘記 although 的存在。我已經沒心力分析 “, however,” 亂接兩個句子的錯了,下次再說吧!
原文發表於:Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文
・Sep 9