身為首報族,我最近都在爬文做功課,新聞一直提到「報稅」、「節稅」、「逃漏稅」、「所得稅」、「累進稅率」,先來看一下最近報稅季, Taipei Times、Taiwan News 這兩家台灣的英文新聞怎麼提醒民眾報稅:
Taipei Times
“Under the Income Tax Act, people found guilty of evading taxes(逃漏稅)are required to pay the owed taxes(應繳稅款)plus a fine of two to three times the evaded amount.”
Taiwan News
“… whether this would only slow down the burden on people and not provide the real relief a tax cut(減稅)would. Su responded that no tax reduction(減稅)measures had been offered in the past…”
“Taxpayers(納稅人)impacted by COVID-19 can apply with tax authorities(稅務機關)to defer tax payments(延期繳稅)or pay taxes due(繳交應納稅款)in installments regardless of amount of taxes due.”
但就算爬完這麼多跟稅相關的文章,被在台灣的外國人問到該怎麼報稅時,英文還是卡卡的,腦袋只記得「稅 = tax」。這是因為,知名語言學家 Richard Schmidt 認為:
我們在讀這些報稅相關的新聞時,大多的注意力資源都放在了解文章中的「內容」(meaning),沒有餘力注意到英語的「使用」(form / use),導致我們聽讀了很多內容,還是無法用對 tax 的單複數、搭配的動詞、形容詞等等,如以下的用法:
- to collect taxes 徵稅
- to pay taxes 繳稅
- to avoid taxes 節稅
- to evade taxes 逃漏稅
- to defer tax payments 延期繳稅
- owed taxes 應繳稅款
- income taxes 所得稅
- progressive taxes 累進稅
- a tax cut 減稅
- a taxpayer 納稅人
但如果 “noticing” 或 “awareness” 那麼重要,老師在課堂上要怎麼樣協助學生呢?如果你想更了解學習英語的過程、想用科學方法輔助教學,歡迎一起來參加 《英語師資培訓》
原文發表於:創勝文教 NTE
・May 7