紐約時報募資文:In a time of isolation, we choose solidarity.

在聶永真和阿滴等人共同發起的 The New York Times 募資文裡頭,很多人特別喜歡這句話:”In a time of isolation, we choose solidarity.”(在孤立的時刻,我們選擇團結。)
isolation 是孤立,反映出台灣被孤立。
solidarity 的相反詞也可以是 disunity(分裂、不團結)。
這句話的強度,特別來自於兩個對照詞:isolation 跟 solidarity。
而不管是在一句話中、一個段落中、還是一整個文章中,都可以用這樣的 contrast 來加強想要表達的想法。
“Through opposite and contrasting ideas, writers make their arguments stronger, thus making them more memorable for readers due to emphasis placed on them.”
In this moment of SHARED (共同的) crisis, China has decided to EXPEL (驅逐) American journalists from a number of news organizations, including the three we oversee, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Times.
撰寫《人類大歷史》、《人類大命運》、《21 世紀的 21 堂課》的作者 Yuval Noah Harari 最近也在 Financial Times 以 “The World After Coronavirus” 為名撰文,他這樣寫著:
Will we travel down the route of disunity, or will we adopt the path of global solidarity?
If we choose disunity, this will not only prolong (延長) the crisis but will probably result in even worse catastrophes in the future.
If we choose global solidarity, it will be a victory not only against the coronavirus but against all future epidemics and crises that might assail (攻擊) humankind in the 21st century.
簡單一句話送給大家:Times of crisis are also times of opportunity.(危機也是轉機)
「廣讀」也許可以給你不少新的知識、接觸各式各樣的單字,但「窄讀」才能讓我們對於語言、表達更敏感,更專注地做語言學習。這時從 comprehension 到 production 的學習將更容易發生。
如果你也喜歡窄式學習、如果你也喜歡正向心理學,歡迎看看我花了超級多時間籌畫的 《英語恆毅力計畫》
原文發表於:Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文
・Apr 17