用 Foreign Affairs 和 Foreign Policy 雜誌增進英文寫作能力

學生常常問我怎麼增進英文寫作?我常常分享的是利用《Foreign Affairs》和《Foreign Policy》這兩本期刊型雜誌做深入分析閱讀、整理筆記、以及做仿寫。
這篇《Foreign Policy》的文章敘述了政治如何干預全球防疫,讓台灣無法參與世界衛生組織 WHO 的重要會議,但這篇文章還是比較偏時事報導,我比較喜歡買《Foreign Affairs》的實體雜誌,會有夠完整地對於單一個主題不同面向的分析,主要也都是教授寫的,而非新聞記者寫的。
重點句子 Highlights:
- Under what other circumstances would 24 million people be excluded from representation in such an important organization? Beijing—and the WHO authorities that bend to its will—is allowing political and diplomatic sensitivities to interfere with the administration of global health and safety.
- Beijing’s successful attempts to exclude Taiwan from international organizations have serious consequences. While Taiwanese officials receive information on unfolding health crises such as coronavirus from counterparts in China or elsewhere, no formal mechanism exists to ensure that it is received in a timely manner.
- Only international support can resist China’s efforts to erase Taiwan. The coronavirus outbreak is deeply worrying but also a timely reminder that Taiwan needs to be readmitted to WHO and other international bodies. Rather than treat Taiwan as a problem to be resolved, it should be a partner in the challenges that liberal democracies will face over the decades to come.
在 《學術寫作》
原文發表於:Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文
・ Jan 29